About Us
MuniHub™ is the premier service provider of new issue marketing solutions for the municipal bond market. By integrating leading-edge technologies with the networking power of the Internet and electronic communications, MuniHub centralizes access to transaction-based data, including prospectuses and other deal-related documents, and Roadshows, thereby providing an online portal or "Hub" of deal-related information for all market applications.
MuniHub's best-in-class solutions include the MuniCalendar™ (public and private-labeled) and the MuniCard™, an interactive, web-based deal profile, emphasizing deal player branding, in addition to delivering transaction-level data, including links to EMMA and offering documents.
This is MuniHub
Since 2012, MuniHub has provided best-in-class new issue marketing services for thousands of municipal bond and note transactions across the United States. MuniHub has partnered with numerous clients, supporting the issuance of municipal bonds that finance vital public projects such as roads, bridges, schools, airports and seaports, and infrastructure-related repairs.
Our mission is to provide leading-edge deal marketing and streamlined access to transaction-based data, with our interactive, informative, and user-friendly experience to all of our clients and users.